Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I read

When I was younger I was a nerd.  I read a lot.  I found that I missed out on a lot of real life experiences because I was off by myself reading a book.  I decided to stop reading and get a life.  I think it worked out pretty well.

Recently, I received some books as gifts and got a mobile device that allows me to read ebooks.  I decided to start reading again.  So far I have almost finished reading all three Hunger Games books, The Help, and Pollyanna.

I have rediscovered the problems of reading interesting books.  Somehow they get into your head deeper than TV or Movies.  If I had just seen the movies of all of these, they would have been interesting, but I wouldn't have thought about them that much after I saw them.  With the books, the stories started infiltrating every thought and took over my dreams.  I found myself making sure that I had a book to read during the 10 minutes it takes to give the baby her bottle.  I now understand why the hubby takes forever in the bathroom (He reads there.  I am not trying to suggest that reading gives me intestinal problems.).  I was neglecting my children and boring my husband by talking about the stories non stop.  The hubby reads all the time, and he is constantly telling me the details of his books, so I don't feel bad about paying him back.  I do feel guilty about neglecting the children.

I have even started listening to audio books.  I know, this is not technically the same as reading, but it does get the story stuck in your head for a while.

So the only question is, who has a suggestion for my next addiction?  Warning:  I don't want to read 50 shades of gray or any horror books.

1 comment:

  1. Sanctus by Simon Toyne Great conspiracy book :-)
