Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer camp, reality vs. TV

I was in choir in high school so OF COURSE I roll my eyes when I watch Glee.  There was no dancing or singing new songs every week when I was in high school.  We had to practice the same songs over and over so we would get good at them.  Now, there is a new show on TV that makes me roll my eyes.  It is called Camp and it is about a summer family camp.

In this show, the camp counselors have a lot of relations with each other and they drink alcohol.  I was a camp counselor for a while when I was in college.  There were no relations with anyone and there was no alcohol.  However, these discrepancies did remind me of one of my more scandalous moments.

While I was a counselor, I would always get a root beer during snack time from the snack store.  A potential gentleman caller happened to work in the snack store and noticed that I always got the same beverage.  One night after the staff meeting, he told me that he had a secret stash of chocolate chip cookies.  I can't pass up chocolate chip cookies or a potential gentleman caller, so I followed this fella to his car where the secret cookie stash was.  A couple other cookie loving counselors joined us.  The potential gentleman caller surprised me with a can of my favorite root beer.  The four of us were standing outside eating chocolate chip cookies and drinking soda pops when the night watchman found us.  He scolded us a little but just sent us back to our cabins.  On the last day of camp, the camp dean called my gentleman caller and one of girls that joined us into her office.  They were in big trouble and told that they could not return to camp.  Nothing happened to me.  Do you know WHY nothing happened to me?  Because besides the gentleman caller, who kindly did not rat me out, no one knew who I was.  This is one of those times when flying under the radar and being unknown is a real advantage. 

At the time I thought they were just in trouble for being outside when they were supposed to be in their cabins.  Later in the summer, I heard a rumor trickle out of camp.  Supposedly, a group of counselors were caught drinking beers outside after hours.  It turns out, THAT WAS ME!  Of course, there were no beers, but I guess that was the impression that the night watchman got.    I was such a rebel and I didn't even realize it.  It was extra scandalous because it was church camp.

Are you impressed by my bad girl image?  Tell me about your scandalous past!

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