Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meijer Meany Mommies?

I have heard multiple mothers tell me about rude things people said about their life choices at Meijer.  People have made comments about the number of kids someone has, the ages of the kids, the personal appearance of the kids, and the behavior of the kids.  These comments usually feature mean and judgmental comments.  These comments always shock me.  The recipients are always the sweetest and sweetest looking moms.  I am always appalled that these comments could ever be made.

I have never experienced this.  I thought it was because my Meijer was the nice Meijer.


The secret is my meany repelling husband.  My husband is tall, dark, handsome, and unapproachable.  We usually do the grocery shopping and local park visiting together.  I feel this is why none of the meany mommies make comments to me.  It isn't me that is immune, it is the hubby.  I learned this the hard way just now.

I was in line at the Meijer pharmacy.  I decided to escape the craziness of my house for a minute, so I was there alone.  A woman yelled from across the store:

Meany Mommy:  My goodness you look like you are about to have a baby!
Me (by the way, I no longer get offended by people pointing out that I am preggo.  Everyone feels the need to point that out these days):  Not ready enough, I have two months left.
Meany Mommy:  But you are REALLY big.  Are you sure you are not having twins.
Me:  I hope not, I am definitely not ready for that.
(Then I took a runny start and jump kicked the woman in the face)

Lesson learned, gigantically pregnant women are incredibly approachable.  Everyone wants to talk to them.  I cannot leave the house without the hubby until after this baby is born. 


  1. Man, I would have paid good money to see you jump-kick that woman in the face. It is probably the same woman who wants to know why I "have so many children?" Keep the hubby with you, sounds like a solid plan.

  2. HILARIOUS. I would have denied being pregnant at all just to see the look on HER face. Then I would have taken the running start...
